Uses for Acupuncture
While acupuncture is not a cure-all, many common health conditions respond well to this treatment. Many factors contribute to the body’s ability to heal which in turn affect the response rate to acupuncture. At the first meeting, Thomas Martin endeavors to give you a clear picture of what to expect early during your course of treatment. Acupuncture is one of the central treatments in contemporary natural medicine.
Acupuncture may be effective for a wide range of pain conditions such as:
- Arthritis
- Pain from simple strain to chronic conditions of the back, neck, legs, shoulder, hips and arms/hands
- Headaches, migraine
- Sports injury, whiplash and motor vehicle injury
- Post-surgical pain
Acupuncture may also be effective for:
- Sinusitis
- Dry eyes and mouth
- Some lung conditions
- Allergies
- Irritable bowel, some cases of diarrhea
- Menstrual problems
- Hot flashes
- Some types of dermatitis
- As an adjunctive treatment for stop smoking and substance abuse
- Some bladder problems
- Mild to moderate anxiety, insomnia and depression
Acupuncture can result in many non-specific effects including improved wellbeing, relaxation and energy.