Acupuncture first appears in the historical record in about 200 BCE in China. However acupuncture-like therapies seem to have been used throughout the world dating back several thousand years. There’s remarkable similarity between the theories of traditional Chinese medicine and those of traditional pre-scientific European, Greek, East Indian, Middle Eastern and Egyptian medicines.
Acupuncture has a history in the West dating back to the 16th Century. The famous doctor William Osler used it for low back pain in the United States in the late 19th Century.
Contemporary integrative acupuncture is historically quite recent (late 20th century) arising from a scientific revision begun by modern pioneers such as Felix Mann, C Chan Gunn and others. In its practice, this approach is closer to the simple observational acupuncture practiced by the earliest doctors.
Thomas will take an appropriate medical history and examine the body, checking functioning and for tender areas, shortened muscles and other indications over and around the problem area.
Places on the skin are found which are especially responsive to acupuncture treatment. These are stimulated with very fine, single-use acupuncture needles resulting in specific local healing effects, as well as whole-body non-specific healing effects.
Treatments are individualized, based on the clinical findings and history of each patient. The acupoint combination is usually repeated until results are stable, with some points added or subtracted each session depending on symptoms reported that day.
In some cases a mild electrical pulse will be used with the needles to facilitate stronger signaling in the nervous system.
Many factors contribute to efficacy of acupuncture. Your condition will be assessed in the first appointment and the appropriate treatment plan will be outlined.
Every attempt is made to foster partnership with you and your other healthcare providers. The ultimate goal of your independent wellness is Thomas’ top priority.
Acupuncture has been shown for decades to be a very safe procedure. Side effects, if any, are minor, such as mild post-treatment soreness, brief post-treatment tiredness, or slight bruising.
Generally three groupings of acupoints are used - local points over or near the problem area, distal points on the limbs and paraspinal points along the back and neck. Sometimes acupoints on the scalp and the ears will be used. Selecting from most of these acupoint types ensures the most comprehensive, successful treatment outcome.
The very best Japanese needles are used. Fineness of the needles and degree of stimulation are adjusted to each client’s sensitivity.
Acupuncture re-educates the body toward healing in incremental steps so a course of treatment is necessary. This usually involves 6 to 8 sessions one week apart. Two treatments each week in the first one or two weeks can quicken results. The course may be shorter or longer depending on clinical need.
Approximately 50% of people are good responders to acupuncture. 30% are high or super-responders, and 20% are low or non-responders. It may take 2 or 3 treatments to determine your particular response rate and pattern.
In some chronic conditions maintenance schedules may be worked out with your acupuncturist.
While sensitive to the clients’ interest and receptivity Thomas frequently prescribes appropriate therapeutic exercises (including yoga), gives mind-body (meditation, relaxation procedures) and dietary tips. Herbal medicines and supplements are recommended if clinically indicated. Conscientiousness toward healthy life-style changes is always supported.